Making a color coded chart of everyone your group of friends has hooked up with. TSTC.
Making a color coded chart of everyone your group of friends has hooked up with. TSTC.
Coming out to your whole chapter, but not being scared because you know they love you no matter what. TSM.
Mentally placing every TV character in a sorority or a fraternity at your school. TSM.
Being a crazy ex-girlfriend even though you were never the girlfriend. TSTC.
Putting “Jack Daniels” as your date’s name on your date party form. TSM.
Little boobs. Big heart. TSM.
Being the lightest person and the heaviest drinker in the room. TSM.
Hooking up, because your feet hurt, and it’s a further walk to your house than it is to his. TSTC.
Seeing anything and everything as a potential craft. TSM.
Actually, I don’t use “Daddy’s credit card.” I use my own. Daddy just pays it off. TSM.