Refusing to do your hair unless you’re going out. TSM.
Refusing to do your hair unless you’re going out. TSM.
I don’t need to get a handle on my life. I just need to get a handle. TSM.
Going winery hopping. TSM.
Using your favorite TSM in your Tinder bio. TSM.
“No judgement, but you kind of look like stripper — a high-end stripper, for governors or athletes.” -Easy A. TSM.
Having to “christen” everything you buy at the VS semi annual sale. TSM.
Big hair, big smile, big personality. TSM.
Textbooks being used more often as spider-killing weapons than as study tools. TSM.
Your sorority house being located between streets named “Scarlett O’Hara” and “Rhett Butler.” TSM.
Having your letters in your bio section on all forms of social media. TSM.
Always knowing about the latest photoshop app, but never having to download it for yourself. TSM.
Setting your alarm for the Lilly Pulitzer sale. TSM.
Your hair adding a solid two inches to your height. TSM.
Chardonnay for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. TSM.
Millionaire Matchmaker having mixers. TSM.
Always late but worth the wait. TSM.
Starbucks is the most important meal of the day. TSM.
The president of nationals having your phone number…and knowing that’s not a good thing. TSM.
Landing a job because you were in a sorority. TSM.
The younger girls both loving and fearing you. TSM.