T-shirt or it didn’t happen. TSM.
T-shirt or it didn’t happen. TSM.
Sisterhood of the traveling ID. TSM.
Whatever, I’m prettier than her. TSM.
I like my lips red, my wine white and my skies blue. TSM.
Always matching your bra and underwear, because you never know what’s going to happen. TSM.
“We have to go out tonight. I did my hair.” TSM.
Knowing it’s a bad idea to text him, but continuing to ask your friends about it until you find someone who says yes. TSM.
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because he was tall and in a good fraternity, and he’ll probably text you again at 2:34am this Saturday. TSM.
I hope the earring I lost in his bed punctures him in his sleep. TSTC.
A shack shirt is just a souvenir. TSM.