Nobody (Big)

Member Since 01/16/2011

From Alabama

  • Nobody 10 years ago on The Intense Anti-Gay Rap Rebuttal To Mackelmore’s "Same Love" That Nobody Is Talking About

    Let me start by saying I have a gay family member and multiple gay friends. They aren’t flamboyant, and most likely unless you knew them or saw something you would have no idea they were gay. That to me is fine, doesn’t really affect my life at all, so have at it fellas. Then there are the ones like this “macklemore” person or the ones parading themselves around asking for more rights than the rest of us. I was raised Roman Catholic and my parents have been married for 30 years, along with all 9 sets of aunts and uncles, with none of them having a divorce or anything like that. So to me, marriage is a big deal. I agree they should be able to be with whoever they want, of course. But calling it marriage is absolutely NOT necessary. They already get all of the benefits of a marriage, along with the fact that if you don’t support them you are automatically a hateful bigot piece of garbage, so do they really need that?

    Its sad our generation thinks we’re so “progressive” that we can REDEFINE a word that has been around forever, just to not offend a small percentage of the population. It’s pitiful and offensive to a lot of married couples. But of course, they aren’t the minority, so who gives a shit about offending them, right? It’s totally fine to dismiss the beliefs of a straight white man if you disagree with them, but you’re a homophobe if you disagree with the beliefs of a gay guy. At what point do the minorities’ rights become enough for them?

    Black Santa, you are correct. I honestly didn’t know people were ignorant/stupid enough to actually compare the “persecution” of gays (notice the quotation marks…) to that of black people during the pre-civil war era. When’s the last time you heard about someone being hung with no consequences to the people who did it just because the person was gay? Is it common for gay women to be raped and tossed aside like garbage, again with no consequences for the person/people who did it? If I was black, I would be seriously offended that people actually think they are comparable.

    I tried to keep it together because this is an issue I know is sensitive, but it really shouldn’t be this big of a fucking deal. My personal belief is that it is unnatural and disgusting, but I think as long as it’s not being rubbed in my face (which it is.. Thanks hollywood) it isn’t a problem. It’s becoming a problem though. I’m being persecuted more than gays by not being allowed to have an opinion without being hated for being a homophobe. Basically, you can’t have a different opinion than them or else you’re hateful and a bigot, which is just absolutely crazy. While on the subject of black people and gays, here’s a little comparison. I’m a full-blooded conservative, very anti-democrat, so naturally I dislike most of obama’s POLICIES. But of course, come election time, I’m now a “racist” because I don’t want him in office because he’s black… How about I don’t have similar beliefs, it has nothing to do with skin color. If he was white I would be just as against him, except the only difference is I wouldn’t be considered a racist.

    My point is, be with whoever you want, just don’t try to shove it down my fucking throat, and I won’t try to shove my views down yours. Deal? In America we should be able to believe and feel however we want as long as we aren’t hurting anybody. So why do gay peoples feelings matter more than mine?

    A lot of good points in that song, by the way. And yes “Bizzle” is a stupid fucking name, but so is “macklemore”.

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  • Nobody 10 years ago on Man Nails Scrotum To Sidewalk

    Sorry, Pavlensky. I’m not viewing this “performance” (and I use that term VERY loosely) as a metaphor for anything. It’s simply an insane loser progressive liberal with no hobbies or real job. Have fun with the pierced nutsack, psychopath

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  • Nobody 11 years ago on Morgan State University Fraternity Allegedly Rejects Member Because He's Gay

    You’re terrible, but this is correct. It’s what separates us from the rest. And if I have a brother that’s gay he’s obviously good at keeping it quiet so there’s a reason this kid didn’t make it past rush. He obviously must have come off as gay as fuck or else told them, either of which is a good enough reason to me not to bid him.

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  • Nobody 13 years ago on West Virginia University

    No Poly don’t you see, there are two types of common dumbass posts on here. These guys are obviously on the “get in the kitchen” bandwagon to try to be cool not the grammar bandwagon. Still douchey but different

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