Being the center of attention at your senior roast. TSM.
Being the center of attention at your senior roast. TSM.
Pregaming your standards meeting. TSM.
Feeling standards’ eyes burning through your soul when she talks about “inappropriate behavior.” TSM.
Teaching yourself an entire class the night before finals. TSM.
Taking his Adderall instead of a shirt during finals week. TSM.
Actually, I don’t use “Daddy’s credit card.” I use my own. Daddy just pays it off. TSM.
Kinda going to miss freshman year, because I knew none of my hookups were younger than I am. TSM.
Ending the semester with no dignity, but plenty of badass stories to make up for it. TSM.
“Ugh, I am just so over frat guys.”
*Continues to hook up with frat guys.* TSM.