winefordays (G-Big)

Member Since 07/23/2014

From Georgia

  • winefordays 9 years ago on Hoop Skirts Banned At UGA, Because Racism

    So what, are they going to start banning Disney Princesses from wearing hooped skirts too? I just think this is so stupid. I agree with what you’re saying about how sure, can the confederate flag be considered to some people offensive? Sure. But dressing up in hooped skirts to an OLD SOUTH event is not anything offensive at all. Like you said, we’re allowed to go half naked to socials but not something like this? This has been going on almost the entire time that KA has been a chapter. I also agree with the people commenting saying it’s like they’re trying to erase old southern history. Everything just has to be soooo politically correct nowadays that God FORBID someone might get a little butthurt over something and make it into something racist, just like everything else nowadays. Ridiculous.

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  • winefordays 10 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    Something similar happened to me more than once with the same guy. I had sex with him multiple times because I felt like I had to. I felt like I would be leading him on if I said no, or he would stop talking to me altogether, and then of course all of my friends were doing it so I felt like I had to. This was my entire freshman year of college. I would have sex with him and just lay there, just waiting for him to finish so I could put my clothes back on and go home and feel like I did something “right”. Looking back as a junior I realize he wasn’t a good person and that nobody should make me feel inferior just because of the sex I have or don’t have and that doing it “just because” is never a good idea. Thank you for this article!

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  • winefordays 10 years ago on One Girl's Heartbreaking Tale Of Why She Dropped Recruitment -- And Why It Needs To Change

    We just started no frills too, which I think has its pros and cons. Pros is that you can’t glam everything up and win girls over that way, just like how they can’t and you can’t focus completely on their style. But I also think it limits how much a girl can express herself and her own individuality. When I went through rush I carefully chose outfits that represented me well, and other girls chose outfits that they found appropriate. Now, it’s hard to see a girl’s individuality when it’s all making them look the exact same. Really all it does is take away what they can wear. It didn’t do much for us this year personally.

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  • winefordays 10 years ago on What To Do When Your Boyfriend Asks For A Threesome

    This is obviously a satirical article, people.

    If my boyfriend ever asked for a threesome, I would boot him out the door. I feel like most of the time, it’s just your boyfriend’s way of saying he’s tired of you and wants to cheat, but just with your permission. Somehow that makes it okay for him to fuck another girl if you’re in the same bedroom/bed watching. How that makes sense, I don’t know.

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  • winefordays 10 years ago on Strangers Raise $50,000 To Keep Girl In School After Mother Commits Suicide

    It’s disgusting how financial aid seriously wouldn’t continue to help her because her own MOTHER committed suicide so she was no longer on her plan. That’s horrible. And like you said, where was Mr. Vice Provost BEFORE the story became famous? Nowhere to be found. It’s so sad how she wouldn’t have been able to have gotten an education because of events in her life that happened against her own will. She can’t help….bear with me….that her mother committed suicide after the death of her brother and her dad lost his job. Shocking, I know. Horrible.

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  • winefordays 10 years ago on How To Deal With Girls Who Drop Your Sorority

    It’s just awkward because that one mutual similarity you two have is gone. Now you can’t go to chapter together anymore, or get ready at socials, or any of that stuff without it being awkward because…like…she can’t go or won’t want to anyway. It’s a huge chunk of your friendship gone.

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  • winefordays 10 years ago on A Heartbreaking Confession: My Sorority Is Embarrassed Of Me Because I'm Overweight

    I agree with you on this, it isn’t right they treated you like that…but the cold hard truth is that girls are selfish and materialistic and they want people to think of your sorority (this applies to every sorority) as the one with the hot girls. For some reason, that makes girl want to join nowadays, not the sisterhood. It usually is the opposite…the sorority with the so called ugly girls has the best sisterhood while the hottest sorority has the worst. Girls want to make themselves look better at the sake of other girls’ feelings just so a few more girls will want a bid from that one. The rush process is the same here for most sororities where the “ugly” girls stay in the kitchen or in the basement, the “awkward” girls just hand out water and snacks and the hot ones are the ones rushing and preffing. It isn’t fair but it’s just how it is. I’m glad, though, that this wasn’t one of those posts about how fat you are and how you aren’t going to do anything about it because you think you’re hot shit. There’s a difference between being confident and straight up unhealthy (not like most things girls do in college is healthy, but whatever). Good for you for recognizing you gained weight and are working it off. If anything, do it so that when you’re hot and dropped the weight it can be a huge middle finger to the girls that talked shit about you.

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