Akir1157 (Big)

Member Since 02/13/2014

From Louisiana

  • Akir1157 10 years ago on Why Our Entire Generation Needs An Ass-Kicking, Pronto

    It’s not our entire generation, it’s stupid privileged people like you. I know countless young people who watch the news and understand politics and the economy. Perhaps you should speak for yourself and the airheads you surround yourself with who should develop your brains, you sound like an idiot.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on Why Caring About A Guy Does NOT Make You Pathetic

    Beautiful! I’ve read at least two articles on hunks site telling girls how to act to make guys like them. Most of these tips were essentially to pretend not to care and to change your personality to accommodate the guy. Your article was more honest and encouraged girls to be themselves.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on Why Your "Number" Does NOT Matter

    The fact that you had to write an article about this proves that your number does matter. If something truly wasn’t a big deal and if it didn’t matter there would be no story about it. This is just an attempt to make yourself feel better. If your number bothers you and makes you feel bad about yourself then it is obviously something that matters.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on Why Our Entire Generation Needs An Ass-Kicking, Pronto

    Education should be free. Everyone should be allowed to get a quality education no matter how little money they have. How do you exist and function on a daily basis? I’m so thankful right that I’m not ridiculously ignorant like yourself. I honestly feel thankful. I’d hate to be as stupid as you.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on 10 Mistakes You're Making That Are Driving Him Away

    When you actually have a boyfriend and are in a healthy loving relationship, you basically know everything about each other. You don’t have to act a certain way. I can act however I want and I know my relationship is solid. I do me, I don’t have to work and stress to keep a guy happy. Girls that actually follow this guide are pathetic. There should be more to your life than trying to keep a boy happy.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on ASU TKE Throws Incredibly Racist "Blackout For MLK Day" Party

    They “neglected” to report that because it’s irrelevant. You do realize that murderers, rapists, and child molesters have all most likely done some good deeds in their lives, right? Not that these kids have done anything as bad as any of the above crimes but they did something incredibly offensive and stupid. Their charity work doesn’t make up for that and it’s not a part of the story. The story is that ignorant and privileged white kids thought it would be funny to reduce Martin Luther King jr.’s legacy to disgusting stereotypes about black people. None of that stuff has anything to do with MLK! These stupid kids obviously don’t know a thing about him. They are disgusting and they should get more than what they got.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on ASU TKE Throws Incredibly Racist "Blackout For MLK Day" Party

    You are a privileged white girl who knows nothing about race and racism. Italians weren’t enslaved for hundreds of years. OF COURSE you’re not offended when somebody throws a mobster party! I get that you’re against the MLK party but trying to act like you can relate and understand and even encourage other racist ragers because you as a WHITE Italian aren’t offended when others throw mobster parties. You should never defend racist ragers, especially if you’re an ignorant little white girl. You’re so stupid that it’s entertaining.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on How To Make Casual Sex Work

    Is this satire? I can’t believe how stupid this article is. “Blackout drink everytime you guys are together”!? How desperate are you? You have to drink an excessive amount of alcohol that will obviously make you sick just so you can be considered good at casual sex? Damn, get a hobby and stop being obsessed with guys and their opinions of you.

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  • Akir1157 10 years ago on Sorority Girls Are Not Stupid

    Since when does giving money to the homeless and crying at animal commercials make you smart? Knowing right from wrong and going to church have nothing to do with being an intellectual. How does any of that mean you aren’t stupid? I think this post did the exact opposite of what you set out to do.

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