Only knowing what day of the week it is during the summer because of your birth control packet. TSM.
Only knowing what day of the week it is during the summer because of your birth control packet. TSM.
Trying and failing to collect all borrowed clothes before moving out of the house. TSM.
Understanding the importance of remaining in your formal chair’s good graces. TSM.
Wearing letters on vaca in hopes you meet a sister from another chapter. TSM.
Cap on top, sisters by my side, future ahead. TSM.
I got bros on different fraternity rows. TSTC.
Changing the lyrics to “My little, my little.” TSM.
Your sisters are there to remember the guys you don’t. TSM.
Engagement ring advertisements on TSM. TSM.
Letting them get in the last word, because choosing not to reply is so much better. TSM.