Premeditating a drunken hookup. TSM.
Premeditating a drunken hookup. TSM.
Being a Kourtney in a world of Kims. TSM.
Waiting for mod podge to dry is the crafting equivalent to waiting for a boy to text you back. TSM.
Taking his Adderall instead of a shirt during finals week. TSM.
Breaking hearts and forgetting names. TSM.
Supplies for finals: PostIts, highlighters, pen, pencil, calculator, dry shampoo. TSM.
God grant me the serenity to accept the grades I cannot change, courage to raise the grades I can, and wisdom to know the difference. TSM.
Ending the semester with no dignity, but plenty of badass stories to make up for it. TSM.
“Ugh, I am just so over frat guys.”
*Continues to hook up with frat guys.* TSM.