“I need help shopping and no one is more dedicated than you.” TSM.
“I need help shopping and no one is more dedicated than you.” TSM.
Having a sister in every class. TSM.
Being 15 minutes into a conversation with a guy before remembering you made out with him last semester. TSTC.
The standards chair looking directly at you when talking about proper behavior at events. TSM.
Having “that little,” because you’re “that big.” TSM.
Why do sorority girls snap? Because you can’t clap with a drink in one hand. TSM.
You can’t regret what you don’t remember. TSM.
One minute I’m doing homework, then three hours go by and I’m on Pinterest looking up 25 ways to use a scarf. TSM.
Stopping to get Starbucks on your walk of shame. TSTC.
Spending more money on your little than you ever have on a boyfriend. TSM.