Last year at big/little reveal, everyone secretly wished they got my big. This year, they all secretly wish they got my little. TSM.
Last year at big/little reveal, everyone secretly wished they got my big. This year, they all secretly wish they got my little. TSM.
Rewarding your perfect attendance in class all week by skipping class to get a mani-pedi. TSM.
All of the “People You May Know” on Facebook being Greek. TSM.
Telling risk management, “I can’t. I’m already drunk,” when they ask you to be a sober monitor. TSM.
Taking disposable cameras on spring break, because none of your photos should be on the internet. TSM.
It’s not a walk of shame when you’re leaving the president’s suite. TSM.
Blasting “Let It Go” while laying out on spring break. TSM.