Being intimidated by your grand-big, even after she graduates. TSM.
Being intimidated by your grand-big, even after she graduates. TSM.
Having a social with one fraternity, but waking up in a different fraternity’s house. TSTC.
Getting more girls’ numbers than guys’ because it’s recruitment season. TSM.
Acting like you haven’t seen your friends in 25 years when you come back from break. TSM.
I don’t need to get a handle on my life. I just need to get a handle. TSM.
Having your letters in your bio section on all forms of social media. TSM.
Landing a job because you were in a sorority. TSM.
Caring more about freshman girls than senior boys. TSM.
Being asked to the same formal by three different guys. TSM.
Having enough t-shirts for multiple quilts. TSM.