Only wearing sorority shirts around campus so the freshmen know which house to join. TSM.
Only wearing sorority shirts around campus so the freshmen know which house to join. TSM.
Feeling so happy when Instagram’s explore page is all sorority pics for Bid Day. TSM.
Flash Tat tan lines after Bid Day. TSM.
Hi. We’ve met seven times, but I’ve never seen you sober. TSM.
Never Have I Ever basically just being a way to call out your friends on the embarrassing shit they’ve done. TSM.
Matching your Starbucks order to your outfit. TSM.
Finding glitter in random places in your room. And backpack. And purse. And notebooks. TSM.
Bid Day may have come and gone, but recruitment is year-round. TSM.
Stalking yourself on Insta after someone follows you just to see what they see. TSM.
Having a separate group chat for your pledge class, and the pledge class degenerates. TSM.