“Every time we relate to a TSM, drink your moscato.” -how to finish a bottle of wine in five minutes. TSTC.
“Every time we relate to a TSM, drink your moscato.” -how to finish a bottle of wine in five minutes. TSTC.
Counting mimosas as your daily dose of fruit. TSM.
Seeing your g-big on campus and literally attacking her in the middle of the student union. TSM.
Resting up FOR the weekend, not OVER the weekend. TSM.
Feeling more nervous to submit your little list than you are to turn in a midterm paper. TSM.
Planning “TSM breaks” into your studying. TSM.
Everyone knowing you got the big you wanted based off the volume of your scream. TSM.
“Oh my God, same.” TSM.
Sisterhood is forever. So is mod podge. TSM.
I’ve begun using shot glasses as my contact containers if you want to make conducting the Hot Mess Express a competition. TSTC.