How will you know when you’re ready to have kids? When you don’t panic at the thought of being sober for 9 months. TSTC.
How will you know when you’re ready to have kids? When you don’t panic at the thought of being sober for 9 months. TSTC.
The passive aggressive like on your ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend’s picture. TSM.
Constantly having to switch between the English, Emoji, and Greek keyboards on your iPhone. TSM.
Judging a guy by his ability to unhook your bra. TSM.
Being better at flirting with girls during recruitment than with guys on an actual date. TSM.
Hold on. Let me put pants on. TSM.
Showing up late with a Starbucks in hand. TSTC.
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Mark, Ryan, Sam, Nick, Brian, John, Justin, Phil, Joe, and one guy whose name I forget.” TSM.