Retail therapy is the only therapy I’ve ever known. TSM.
Retail therapy is the only therapy I’ve ever known. TSM.
Listening to “Let it Go” for any mood from happy to sad to standards. TSM.
Last year at big/little reveal, everyone secretly wished they got my big. This year, they all secretly wish they got my little. TSM.
Writing your monogram in the sand on spring break. TSM.
Prioritizing looking good for class over getting there on time. TSM.
Blasting “Let It Go” while laying out on spring break. TSM.
“Can you, like, not?” TSM.
Organizing your closet by items that are monogrammed and items that need to be. TSM.
Your best friends knowing exactly who you’re talking about when you say “Ugh, I hate everyone.” TSM.
When the neon comes out, the standards come off. TSM.