Yahoo Answers (G-Big)

Member Since 08/18/2013

From Florida

  • Nsall 7 years ago on I'm Getting Into A Long Distance Relationship: Does That Make Me Desperate?

    I am currently in a long distance relationship, and I am very very happy!!! I was in the same boat as you, a few years ago I was in a “long distance relationship” (of just a 2 hour distance) and when we broke up I told my self that I would never be away from a SO ever again….. but low & behold…. I fell in love with someone that lives 10 hours away! I was worried and scared that I was just being desperate and people would think I was absolutely crazy, but I just took the chance and it really ended up working out for us. We visit each other at least one or twice a month (honestly as much as we can afford) and it has been great! And if we’re not together then we have FaceTime dates and stuff like that. Of course it totally sucks when he can’t come to date parties and formals and just can’t be there in general, but the time we do get to be together makes up for lost time. My advice for you and anyone in this situation is to just go with your gut and take a chance because it could end up being “your person” (even though they don’t live right around the corner)

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  • Red Stag 7 years ago on Jasmine Goode Doesn't Believe Corinne Oympios About Alleged Bachelor Sexual Assault

    Yes, sexual assault is a problem and anyone guilty of it should be in prison. However, your “let’s believe the ‘victim’ regardless of the circumstances” mentality is toxic.

    They were both drunk and because of that, technically neither was able to give consent. So why do you blame the guy? Please enlighten me with the details that I’m failing to see.

    That kind of thinking is sexist on multiple levels because you assume that women need to be protected from the big bad men that are out to rape them. Funny how this doesn’t align with the feminist narrative of women being able to take care of themselves.

    When you pull this kind of shit you only lessen the severity of REAL RAPE VICTIMS’ trauma. I don’t think they’d appreciate a girl having regrettable sex claiming that she was raped.

    Please check your bias at the door and wait to hear the facts before you assume the girl is a victim and the guy is guilty.

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  • brittney392 7 years ago on I’m Kind Of Into “The Handmaid’s Tale” Life TBH

    You must have a seriously sad life if you would rather be stripped of all of your rights and raped monthly vs. working like everyone else to pay off your loans and contribute to society (boohoo, poor you.) This article was terrible and you might want to reconsider this whole writing thing.

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  • Ali Hin 7 years ago on I'm Not Just A Pretty Face, I Also Have A Great Ass

    Ms. Toot,
    I apologize that this piece was so confusing to you that you were forced to make an account just to write this comment. Thank you for sharing your opinion and for checking back days later to comment again. Readers like you are the reason I write!❤️

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  • Blue-eyed-blondie 7 years ago on I'm Not Just A Pretty Face, I Also Have A Great Ass

    Girl. You don’t even have a profile picture. Like sorry she’s confident to show the entire site what she looks like? I mean, that’s more than you can say. As someone who enjoys fucking girls I know not all girls are beautiful, but EVERY girl has enough insecurities without some random trying to tear her down. If YOU don’t think she’s cute so fucking what dude? Your opinion of her shouldn’t influence her opinion of herself, and you shouldn’t try to. Like to go out of your way to try to tear down a girl with high self-esteem just for the lolz is pathetic. Be happy that we’re in a time where women are confident and try to enforce that.

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  • etooot 7 years ago on I'm Not Just A Pretty Face, I Also Have A Great Ass

    Lmao exactly. It’s not our fault people are butthurt over hearing the truth. Not everyone is beautiful on the outside and that’s okay, I like people for their personalities too. Feeling confident about yourself is okay but completely boasting about yourself and acting like an arrogant self righteous goddess isn’t okay even if it’s true. And it’s even more embarassing and pitiful when it’s NOT true

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  • kaaaaylie44 7 years ago on I'm Not Just A Pretty Face, I Also Have A Great Ass

    unpopular opinion: I kind of agree?? Like what’s the point of publishing four whole paragraphs about how hot you are if it’s not true and not helpful? As someone who actually can’t get respect from my peers who assume I’m dumb, can’t get guys who care about actually getting to know me…I’m a little pissed.

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  • thozah 7 years ago on Why Girls Should Not Be Required To Give Blow Jobs

    your entire paradigm of thinking is wrong. first of all, when you say “nobody should be required to do anything: that’s rape” is completely immature and inconsistent with reality. parents are required to care for their dependents. husbands are required to care for wives and vice versa. if they don’t it’s called neglect. and it’s a CRIME. you’re required to obey the speed limit or suffer consequences. you’re required to pay your taxes or suffer consequences. there are MANY things that people are required to do. you have a very self-centered self-righteous self-justification attitude for you being the queen of your own little world. secondly, sexual relations ARE a requirement of relationships, and marriage by definition. in fact, impotence and frigidity are legitimate reasons to have a marriage annulled, legally, not just religiously. so you don’t know what you’re talking about. third, nobody voted you to be speaker for all men, and you’re not a man, so what in the world makes you think you even understand men’s needs, let alone can tell the rest of the world what you know men don’t need? your comments are entirely misandrist. we are incapable of pleasuring men with our vaginas about 7 days out of the month. my man busts his ass and gets stressed out and there’s nothing wrong with his personal requirement that he won’t be with a girl who will give good head. so sometimes yes i need to be selfless even when i don’t want to. that’s not rape. i go to work every day too and i don’t like it either. but i dislike being poor even more. this whole idea that sucking dick is submissive is ridiculous. when you have somebody’s genitals between your teeth… you’re freaking in charge. and this whole alpha/beta male thing is ridiculous. there’s good guys who treat you well. there’s jackoffs. there’s wimpy guys. there’s prima donas. there’s jocks. there’s video game players. there’s all kinds of different guys out there and different things they do. there’s even guys going their own way out there swearing off women entirely… which is really sad because many of them are good guys who have just had one too many run-ins with bitches who make their lives hell. that means all the more ladies out there looking for a man won’t be able to find one. the idea that you can reduce all men down to grouping them into one of two group labels is about as sexist and de-evolved as a gorilla. men are wonderful creatures with these great things called penises and muscles great smiles and humor. guys also make great problem solvers if you let them instead of trying to henpeck and control everything. i feel great letting my man know there’s a problem and just letting him solve it for me.

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